Developer Reference

Cloning and Setup

You should always develop in a virtual environment (we strongly recommend using something like pyenv, with pyenv-virtualenv which are installable with brew), and you should always test against Python 3.8+ (see Testing). In your virtual environment use the following pip command to install requirements from) within the scdatatools directory. For your convenience, this would be a common set of commands to setup a dev environment:

git clone
cd scdatatools
pyenv install 3.8.2
pyenv virtualenv 3.8.2 sc
pyenv local sc
pip install -r dev/requirements.txt

dev/requirements.txt will also pip install -e .. This will install an editable version of scdatatools in your virtual environment so changes you make in the repository will be reflected immediately without having to reinstall the package.


scdatatools tests are implemented using unittest and can easily be run using the nosetests command.

nosetests --with-coverage --cover-package scdatatools --cover-html

API Reference

Indices and tables