
Python API for interactive with the data files in Star Citizen.


This tool suite is in it’s very early stages and will change often.

Hey! Listen!

This tool is in very early development. The CLI is a WIP and may not be completely plumbed up yet. If you’d like to help out and know Python, try out the API a little bit and see if you run into errors parsing files! We’re also at the stage that feature/usability feedback would be much appreciated.


  • cli interface

  • TODO

CLI Examples

usage: scdt [-h] [--verbose] [--stderr] [--command-timeout COMMAND_TIMEOUT] [command] ...

positional arguments:
  [command]             Subcommand to run, if missing the interactive mode is started instead.
    cryxml-to-json      Convert a CryXML file to JSON
    cryxml-to-xml       Convert a CryXML file to xml
    unforge             Convert a DataForge file to a readable format
    unp4k               Extract files from a P4K file
    actionmap           Dumps the default profile action map (keybinds) as JSON

API Examples

Read a DataForge database (.dcb)

from scdatatools.forge import DataCoreBinary
dcb = DataCoreBinary('research/Game.dcb.3.9.1-ptu.5229583')
# Find all records containing a patterh
jav_records = dcb.search_filename('*javelin.xml')

Use the StarCitizen class:

from import StarCitizen
sc = StarCitizen('D:/Path/To/LIVE')'idris')

# Read all entities
cmgr = sc.attachable_component_manager
# Get all entity types
# Get the English name of the first torso armor
# Get the labels of all items in the family 'behr_rifle_ballistic_01'
[x.label for x in cmgr.by_geom[cmgr.attachable_components['behr_rifle_ballistic_01'].geom_hash]]
# Find entities by in-game name
[x for x in cmgr.attachable_components.values() if 'Drake Cutlass' in x.label]
Made By the Star Citizen Community

This project is not endorsed by or affiliated with the Cloud Imperium or Roberts Space Industries group of companies. All game content and materials are copyright Cloud Imperium Rights LLC and Cloud Imperium Rights Ltd.. Star Citizen®, Squadron 42®, Roberts Space Industries®, and Cloud Imperium® are registered trademarks of Cloud Imperium Rights LLC. All rights reserved.