Source code for scdatatools.cli.commands.p4k

import logging
import shutil
import sys
from pathlib import Path

from nubia import command, argument
from rich.progress import Progress

from . import common

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@command(help="Utilities for interacting with p4k files.") class p4k:
[docs] @command(help="Extract files from a P4K file", aliases=["x"]) @argument("single", description="Extract first matching file only", aliases=["-1"]) @argument( "output", description="The output directory to extract files into or the output path if --single. " "Defaults to current directory", aliases=["-o"], ) @argument( "file_filter", description="Posix style file filter of which files to extract. Defaults to '*'", aliases=["-f"], ) @common.sc_dir_argument @common.extraction_args(exclude=["output"]) def extract( self, sc_dir: str, output: str = ".", file_filter: str = "*", convert_cryxml: str = "", extract_model_assets: bool = False, unsplit_textures: bool = False, convert_textures: str = "", convert_models: bool = False, single: bool = False, no_overwrite: bool = False, ): output = Path(output).absolute() sc = common.open_sc_dir(sc_dir) file_filter = file_filter.strip("'").strip('"') try: p = sc.p4k except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(0) unsplit_textures = unsplit_textures or convert_textures != "" converters = [] converter_options = dict() if convert_cryxml: converter_options.update({"cryxml_converter_fmt": convert_cryxml}) converters.append("cryxml_converter") if extract_model_assets: converters.append("model_assets_extractor") if unsplit_textures: converters.append("ddstexture_converter") converter_options.update( { "ddstexture_converter_unsplit": True, "ddstexture_converter_replace": not no_overwrite, } ) if convert_textures: converter_options["ddstexture_converter_fmt"] = convert_textures else: converter_options["ddstexture_converter_fmt"] = "dds" if convert_models: converters.append("cgf_converter") # convert spaces in material names for dae conversion converter_options["cryxml_converter_mtl_fix_names"] = True if single: print(f"Extracting first match for filter '{file_filter}' to {output}") print("=" * 80) found_files = if not found_files: sys.stderr.write(f"No files found for filter") sys.exit(2) extract_file = found_files[0] print(f"Extracting {extract_file.filename}") if # given an output name - use it instead of the name in the P4K output.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with as source, open(str(output), "wb") as target: shutil.copyfileobj(source, target) else: output.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) p.extract(extract_file, path=str(output), converters=converters) else: print(f"Extracting files into {output} with filter '{file_filter}'") print("=" * 80) output.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) try: with Progress() as progbar: extracting_task = progbar.add_task("Extracting files", total=None) def log(msg, progress=None, total=None, level=None, exc_info=None): level = level or logging.INFO logger.log(level, msg, exc_info=exc_info) progbar.update(extracting_task, total=total, completed=progress) p.extract_filter( file_filter=file_filter, path=str(output), converters=converters, converter_options=converter_options, overwrite=not no_overwrite, monitor=log, ) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass